Wedding Live Stream

Wedding live streams are fantastic for allowing attendees worldwide unprecedented access to wedding celebrations. With guest limitations and other safety protocols to follow, live streaming can make things more certain by ensuring people who cannot physically make it to your wedding would still be there. This service delivers your wedding day’s full experience to guests safely at home.

Your guests will be able to enjoy seeing yourself walk down the aisle while watching it from home or wherever you may be around the world- even if you’re miles away.

With the right platforms, live streaming allows guests to participate by leaving heartfelt messages that can be recorded by our crew for your keepsake. Beyond written words, you can now have a high definition recording of the wedding greetings. No wonder wedding live streams are shaping up as one of the most popular services for brides and grooms.

With evolving pandemic restrictions, live streaming wedding services have been growing as an alternative or addition to hosting a physical event with all your friends and family members. 

Wedding Photography

Livestream your wedding day with us!

EPS holy matrimony livestream

Certainty in times of uncertainty

Wedding planning can be a daunting, exciting, and stressful experience on its own. Adding on the curve ball of evolving pandemic restrictions, it’s not hard for some couples to feel discouraged about their future wedding day, especially if they have made plans in advance.

Live streaming saves the day here when guest lists need to be trimmed or adjusted even at the last minute. With a good host, guests can continue interacting with and be immersed in the full ceremony. Go further by having guests leave greetings and messages on the comments. It can also create the opportunity for your loved ones to give speeches, well wishes or provide a toast during your wedding.

You will rest easier knowing that friends and family will still get to experience your wedding so long as they have internet access.

That’s why a good live streaming vendor is important to entrust this task to. Having a professional team like EPS allows you to tick one thing off your docket and let someone else handle everything as you will have many other things to handle on your big day.

Why choose us for your wedding live stream for your special day?

When you work with a professional team like Weddings by EPS, you are in for a hassle free experience that frees you to enjoy your wedding day.

Here at Weddings by EPS, our extensive knowledge in wedding photography, videography and live streaming ensures that your virtual guests get the full wedding guest experience with the ambience and fun.

live stream by EPS
EPS Wedding Photographer Singapore

The right equipment and team for your livestream

With a long track record, our team is committed to excellence. Our team at Event Photographers Singapore has been delivering incredible livestreams for events large and small. We are always prepared and are adaptable to any client request.

Experience with Wedding Venues and Vendors

Event Photographer Singapore is well acquainted with many of Singapore’s top wedding locations. Having been engaged in many different venues, from hotels, church, banquet halls, to outdoor settings and restaurants, we are confident in every location. We work well with every event crew and vendor, making sure their audio visual setup is perfect for your purpose.

Working within your budget

We at EPS want the very best for our clients that their budget allows for. Our rates are competitive for the amount of quality we deliver. We consistently provide top of the line service for our clients and leave them very happy, while keeping to their budget.

Hire Us Today!

Looking to livestream your wedding day? Please click here to get in touch with our team.